Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fear on Floor 90 by Dylan Buchholz

Dylan - 8th Grade
        Being trapped in an elevator is not a pleasant experience. To prove this point, allow me to share my frightening episode. I’m a New Yorker at heart, but not even my big-city background could have prepared me for my big-city scare.

        I was in a cab, driving to the Empire State Building. I planned to meet my parents there, but traffic held me up. When I arrived at the building I raced to the elevator because I didn’t want my parents to get worried. However, when the elevator reached about the 90th floor, LURCH! The elevator shuddered, then came to a halt. The big white lights in the ceiling clicked off and were replaced by red emergency lights.

        Two other people accompanied me. A businessman stood in the corner looking around. Snapping pictures from the center of the elevator was a rather ostentatious tourist. The elevator felt hot, and I was getting scared. I had no idea what to do.

        The businessman decided to call maintenance with his cell phone. After he hung up, the tourist decided to show us the pictures he’d taken on his trip. He spent much too long talking about every last one. After about thirty minutes had passed, maintenance called the businessman back. They would be helping us immediately.

            DING! All of a sudden, the elevator lights came back on and we started moving up once again. Relief flooded over me! The air was getting thin, and I couldn’t wait to see my parents. As the door opened at the 102nd floor observatory, I rushed out to see them. I told them everything, and they kept hoping I was all right. I just hoped we could use the stairs next time!

Short Story

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