Tuesday, October 4, 2011

When Grandma Died by Dylan Buchholz

          My family's world was shaken the day my grandmother died.  Klara Buchholz was suffering from cancer when she passed away in her home state of Colorado at the age of sixty-nine.  I was definitely surprised when she died, because she was doing fine only a few days before.
My mom, dad, sister and I were hurriedly driving to Colorado to visit Dad’s mom, when we got the news from his sister.  Aunt Lori lives in Colorado, so she gave us information about Grandma a lot, including the worst news of all.
Unfortunately, when we arrived in Colorado on July 27, 2011, we were just a few hours too late. We never got to say goodbye.  Grandpa, Dad, and Aunt Lori were soon busy making all the plans for the funeral.  They decided it would be held at the Lutheran church Grandma used to attend.  Grandma said she wanted to be cremated, so they also picked out an urn for her.
The funeral was held on August second, that following Tuesday.  About one hundred people attended, most of whom I didn’t know.  However, our two cousins and their parents came, and my mom’s parents also drove up to support the family in that hard time.

          The service was emotional for everyone.  My thoughts were unorganized because I didn’t know how our family would be without her presence. I had a somewhat strong relationship with her, but her living in Colorado kept it from being stronger.  But I tried to rejoice for her, that she was finally home.  She was a very strong Christian, and loved the Lord even in her final moments on this earth.  Everyone who knew her now misses her deeply, but those of us who knew her as a sister in Christ look forward to seeing her again.

First Autobiographical Incident

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